October 2, 2007

September in Kenya

We are excited about our goal for Kenya this year. We've initiated a project to provide Bibles to as many people as possible in some of the remote villages such as Bukhoholo, Chavakali, Mayanja, etc.

We believe that the Word of God is the foundation of every Christian's life whether they live in America or in the remote villages in Kenya. Without God's Word, there is no opportunity for growth, no way to learn to hear the voice of God, and no hope for a transformed life ... the Word of God is essential to all.

While we were in Kenya, we were teaching how to live a life of integrity, being holy and set apart for God. Suddenly a woman spoke out, "How can we know the Word of God when we don't have Bibles?" A silence fell in the meeting and the Spirit of God spoke ... "How can they hear without the Word? Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. But spiritual growth comes from personally seeking Me in the Word."

Because of that, we have made arrangements with our contacts in Kenya to provide them the money to go to Nairobi and purchase Bibles at their cost. They will then personally distribute the Bibles to people in the areas where very few have access to or own a copy of God's Word. The Bibles are translated into Swahili so the people are able to understand and comprehend as the Spirit gives illumination.

Each copy of the "BIBLIA" in Swahili costs about $7.00. If we were to purchase them outright, they would cost nearly $20.00 each. By allowing our contacts in Kenya to purchase the Bibles for us, we will be able to get nearly three times as many Bibles as if we were to make arrangements to purchase them directly.

We praise God for those who have given sacrificially to help launch this program. So far we have $250 to purchase Bibles in Swahili. We still have a long way to reach our goal, but as God provides, we will put Bibles in the hands of as many men and women as possible who are desperate to know God intimately through reading His Word.

Please refer to the website at http://www.heartofgodinternational.com/ for more details, or email us at info@heartofgodinternational.com with your questions or comments.

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